Slik lager du årets julekalender; med varme, gyldne farger gleder den hele veien frem til jul.
Start med å finne frem en halmkrans og et bånd i en farge som matcher din mest fantastiske julestjerne. Surr inn kransen så den dekkes av båndet.
Pakk inn små gaver og hilsner i passende papir. Bruker du papphylser som gavene blir puttet inn i får kalenderen et ekstra elegant preg. Glem ikke små lapper med tallene fra 1-24, som du fester på hver pakke.
Heng opp gavene i kransen med tynn tråd.
Sett en julestjerne, men en plastpose rundt potten for å hindre vannsøl, ned i krukken med gavekransen. Bygg opp inne i potten slik at julestjernen blir stående i perfekt høyde.
Ferdig! En adventskalender som er like vakker hele julen.
This declaration applies to OBP - Opplysningskontoret for blomster og planter with associated websites.
What is a cookie and local storage of data?
When you visit our website different types of data is stored locally on your unit via your browser. This data could e.g. include user settings, information about how you surfed our website, which browser you used, and which ads that were shown.This type of “locally stored data” could be used to customize content and functions of services for you, thereby contributing to a better and more meaningful visit.Cookies do not contain directly identifiable data about you (such as name, address, telephone number etc.), instead the information regards your browser and the activity through it.
What do we use cookies and locally stored data for?
We use locally stored data to:
Deliver and customize our services to the unit and browser you use
Give you relevant and customized content
Measure and analyse traffic on the pages
Both OBP - Opplysningskontoret for blomster og planter and our subcontractors (e.g. Idium AS as supplier of this website) stores data locally on your unit. Eventual subcontractors are subject to the data processing agreement and can not use data for anything other than delivering the service we have ordered from them. For more information on how Idium AS treat personal data see here.